Friday, August 5, 2011

Another Roadside Attraction

I am chilled after swimming
 This is my last day on the road.  It is a sweet ending to a great trip.  We saw some great things and finished the day with a wonderful dinner in Campbell River.  But let me go back one day to our last day at Alert Bay.  I saw a Big House and really enjoyed hearing the drumming and singing that came from the Big House as the traditional dances were performed.  I wish I could have gone inside, but the atmosphere was nice even from the car where I waited for my people.  We said good-bye to my top rated dog-friendly hotel/inn, Alert Bay Lodge, after a visit from a spirit that started me barking in the dead of the night.  It was really a supernatural visitation that left me pretty shaken and convinced that there are spirits alive and well in Alert Bay.  We had a fantastic lunch at another roadside attraction, the Cablehouse Cafe near Sayward.  The entire cafe is made from salvaged logging cable.  The walls weigh about 26 tons, I think.  Really strange, but great food.  We are now in Campbell River at the Coast Hotel, also a very pet friendly spot. A very good dinner at the Harbor Grill, a restaurant with a Swiss chef and owner and a very nice waitperson named Scott who made sure all my dining needs were met as I waited for my people to finish their salmon and halibut dinners.  This trip must come to an end tomorrow, but I have great memories and some fantastic new friends.  British Columbia rocks!! 

Big House in Alert Bay

Inside Big House

Eagle at Alert Bay

Old totems at Alert Bay

Good-bye, Alert Bay Lodge

We are the last car on the ferry on the morning sailing

Cable Cafe

That's a lot of cable!  This was built in 1970

Time for one last game of frisbee in Campbell River

My new friend, Scott at Harbor Grill in Campbell River.
This restaurant was the BEST on the trip.
Go there is you get the chance!

The end of a great day and a great trip.

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