Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cormorant Island & Alert Bay

View from Alert Bay Lodge
Sorry it's taken me a while to do this latest post but I sort of lost track of time here on Cormorant Island.  After our long but great ferry trip from Bella Coola, we spent one night in Port McNeil at Home Away from Home B&B.  Very lovely view from this place and nice furnishings too.  We took time to see Telegraph Cove, which was especially interesting now because the salmon are swimming and the fishing is good.  We went on from there by yet another ferry boat, the Quandra Queen II, which took us from Port McNeil to Alert Bay on Cormorant Island.  We found the most dog-friendly place yet here at the Alert Bay Lodge.  I am very much at home here and spend a lot of my days just looking out from the deck across Johnstone Straight and over to Vancouver Island.  I actually saw a deer swim this 2K straight yesterday.  Took a long hike in the Ecological Park here on the island.  This was quite a strange and mystical place.  The sound of the ravens, crows and eagles reverberated throughout the forest and the swamp.  It was called Gator Trail because it looks like something out of the Everglades due to the moss and bogs, but no gators actually live here, thank goodness.  The First Nations culture of the Namgis band is very evident, and I was especially taken by the many totem  poles that populate the island.  Some of the totems are quite old, while others are more recent additions to Alert Bay.  Old or new, they were amazing.  On our walks through the forests and along the beach, my people always miss some of the flora and fauna that are at my level.  I've added some pictures that I took to give you a better sense of a poodle's view of this wonderful island and its creatures and vegetation.  Hope you enjoy seeing my world view of Cormorant Island.

Big Tree Trail on Cormorant Island

Gator trail

An eerie place

Banana slugs rule the forest!

Bunchberry on forest floor (Cornus Canadensis)

Tranquil bog

The bog

Please, can I go in the water?

Did you know that Ravens can make many different sounds?

Deer readies to swim across the straight

Backdrop of salal

I never get tired of looking at the beach

Home Away from Home, Port McNeil

Telegraph Cove

3 Chinook and 1 Silver salmon caught off  Beaver Cove

Telegraph Cove is cute and quaint...and raining

A dog legend from Telegraph Cove

Christ Church-Anglican in Alert Bay; built in 1892

Stained glass window in church depicting Alert Bay history

Quadra Queen II

Alert Bay Lodge gets my vote for "most dog-friendly place" on this trip

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