Monday, August 8, 2011


Time for frisbee at Saratoga Beach
The best trip ever had to end.  But it ended on a bright and sunny day on Vancouver Island.  We said good-bye to Campbell River and took a leisurely drive down Highway 19A, the scenic coast route.  There was ample time for me to play frisbee at Saratoga Beach and to stop and enjoy the sights along the art show in Comox and a visit to Goats on the Roof in Coombs.  We took the last of our ferry rides from Nanaimo to Horseshoe Bay late on Saturday.  I loved this road trip and all the people I met and the bears, whales, dolphins, eagles, and other incredible creatures of B.C.  But I have to admit it is good to be back at home on Capital Hill.  I went to my groomer today and replaced my vacation-look with my urban dog persona.  So the sun sets on my amazing journey, but the memories live on.  Here's to you, British Columbia.  Thanks for the memories!

 A Campbell River morning

Goats on the Roof in Coombs---something hard to

The sun sets on my adventure

That's me at home -- Urban poodle with an attitude

Thank you for sharing my adventure with me on this blog.  Watch for periodic updates on my life and times.

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