Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dog versus bear

 As my people ate dinner in the Tweedsmuir Park Lodge last night, a very nice, young woman named Rebecca brought me a slice of roast duck as I waited patiently on the veranda of the lodge.  It was delicious and made me wish I could go into the lodge to have dinner with the other guests.  While I waited I started to worry about bears.  What if a black bear or grizzly appeared on the lawn and came toward me?  I've seen a lot of bears since coming here, so I know they are out there in the forest and along the river banks.  But the more I thought about it, the more I gained perspective on this issue.  Did you know that a human is 67 times more likely to be killed by a domestic dog than a bear?  For every person killed by a black bear, there are about 17 deaths from spiders, 150 from tornadoes, 180 from bees, 374 from lightening, and thousands of homicides in the U.S.   I read this in Bear-ology by Sylvia Dolson.  Maybe bears aren't so bad after all.  And does that mean I am more dangerous than a grizzly?  Something to ponder.


Clayton Falls

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