Monday, July 11, 2011

Margaux's Feast

  One of my favorite things to do when in Vancouver BC is wander down to Cioffi's Meat Market & Deli.  It's a traditional Italian deli, been there for years, and is packed to the rafters with the most amazing selection.  The mouth-watering smells alone will drive you crazy.
  We picked out a few of the dozens of varieties of prosciutto, pancetta, and salami. We topped it off with a goat cheese Gouda, some marinated mushrooms, and a crusty baguette.  Heaven.
  According to this review in The Straight, many of Vancouver's top restaurants rely on Cioffi's for meats and other foodstuffs. In fact, one whole side of the deli is a butcher shop, dedicated to the most delicious cuts and types of fresh raw meat you've ever seen.  Truly, a beautiful sight!

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