Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rainy Day in Bella Coola

Where will this rainy day take me??

Woke up to a heavy rain today....first real rain on my trip.  Can't let some raindrops stop me, though, so I put on my pink raincoat and headed off to Bella Coola for the day.  Saw a lot of water coming over Clayton Falls.  It feels more like October than July to me, and all this water indicates a most bizarre weather too.  Undaunted, I explored the town of Bella Coola and enjoyed the First Nations art and architecture.  I took a walk through Snootli Park, a sacred site of First Nations people.  The giant, ancient cedars were incredible.  I was the only dog on the trail and it was eerie in the mist and the silence.  It really did have a sacred feel to it.  I noted that many of the younger cedars had the bark stripped from their trunks and later learned that this is because the First Nations use the bark and wood from this forest to make ceremonial objects.

In the sacred forest

Ancient cedar in Snootli Park

Big cedar

House in Bella Coola
Cedar tree stripped of bark
Bella Coola marina
Old salmon cannery
Bella Coola -- population 400 and 1 poodle

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