Monday, July 18, 2011

Life in Lamont

The Good Life in Lamont

That's Kona on the right
Life in Lamont, WA is very, very relaxing.  I spend my days sleeping in the garden in the shade; play a little ball with my people; chase a mosquito or two; roll in the grass; meet the local dogs; bark at the rare car that passes by; eat a biscuit; drink lots of water; RELAX!  The weather is perfect--about 85 degrees and sunny.  Here are some pictures of dogs I've met while visiting here.  The first dog I met was Pepper Polda.  She is a nice girl but doesn't like sharing her toys with me.  And I can't get her to play ball either.  Then I met Kona, and as you can see in this photo I am trying to get her to play chase with me, but she thought it was too hot for such games.  Also a street scene in the nearby town of Sprague...note the dog sleeping in front of the tavern.  Thought it best to avoid that guy, as I didn't want a bar fight to add to my travel adventures.  This is a really great town, Lamont.  More dogs than people and when the full moon came up the other night we all howled to our hearts content.  Great vacation--except for my encounter with cheat grass that required an hour of my persons grooming to get it brushed out of my dense coat.


Downtown Sprague, WA

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