Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Top Pick for Dog-Friendly Winery

Here is my top pick for most dog-friendly winery...See Ya Later.  This one deserves a little background.  In 1919 Major Hugh Fraser bought this piece of property just outside Okanagon Falls, BC.  He brought his new bride from the east coast, and she lasted all of 3 days in this remote but beautiful place.  She packed up and left him a note, "See Ya Later."  Hence, Major Fraser stayed and named the ranch in her departed honour.  Got himself 15 dogs instead!  Smart man, I say.  He loved his dogs so much he has a cemetary right next to his house...see the 12 headstones of his beloved dogs.  Brought a tear to my eye.  I loved this place and the spirits that surround it.  Great wine, too.

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